Sunday 16 March 2014

attention seeking seagull

Today we explored the city some more and ate some great pizza. We began the afternoon by eating lunch in Trastevere, which is can area close to my house and probably one of my favourite areas to eat and drink in Rome. While reading about the area, during Rome's regal period the only connection between Trastevere and Rome was a small wooden bridge, it wasn't until later that fishermen and sailors began to occupy the area and settle there that it became more connected.

I love it's narrow, cobbled streets and roman feel about everything there, to me it's exactly what I imagined the streets in Rome to look like.

While we were at the Roman Forum (I think it's amazing that ancient buildings are still standing today, a testament to the skill the Romans had) a seagull was taking all the attention, literally everyone was more interested in getting a snap of the seagull than the surroundings...I'll have to go back and see if it's still there.

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