Tuesday 15 April 2014

day by day

Market purchases; Madonna Vinyl and Andersen's Fairy Tales
Yummy homemade Chicken Salad 

Pretty day near the Tevere River
The best Gelato I have tasted in Rome! Mango, Oreo & Caramel. 

La Cucaracha

When in Rome...you eat Mexican apparently.

I don't think there would ever be a point where I get bored of pizza or pasta but alas, living in Rome has nearly tipped me over the edge. A friend and I found this Mexican place online and decided we had to visit. 'La Cucaracha' is near the Vatican and was a lovely little place, full of Mexican art work, bright colours and a friendly atmosphere. We were so eager we got told to come back in 15 minutes as they had just opened (oops). I feel like I ate my body weight in Nachos and Burritos and ordered a cocktail that came in a jug sized class and filled to the brim with tequila. I left pretty happy.   

Roman Birthday

Things that made me happy in the last week.

Parcels, cute letters, surprise birthday cards, eggy bread on my birthday morning & a great day/night for my birthday :)

Pope, Pizza & Piazza's

 Some of the fun things I have been up to the last few weeks.

Seeing the Pope give a speech at the Vatican
Eating insanely good pizza slices at Piazza Di Santa Maria in Trastevere
Enjoying the sun and playing cards on Isola Tiberina

Tuesday 1 April 2014


I love blossom trees and it just so happens that a street I pass every day is lined with them. 
It reminds me of home and family. 

Italian cinema

Last week whilst a group of us were walking, I saw a Martini sign on top of a building. The sign appears in a film I have just watched 'La Grande Bellezza' (The Great Beauty). It is an Italian film by the director Paolo Sorrentino and truly is a beautifully shot and interesting film. If you haven't seen it, you should.